General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. 20TH ANNIVERSARY SIXTH FLEET (Location At Sea/Med.)


General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. 20TH ANNIVERSARY SIXTH FLEET (Location At Sea/Med.)


1) MCU VADM. WILLIAM I. MARTIN, COMSIXTHFLT. welcoming some official guest upon their arrival to the flight deck of the USS INDEPENDENCE (CVA-62). F UX 2) CU VADM. MARTIN chatting with RADM. L.R. GEIS, COMCARDIVFOUR on the flight deck; Aircraft is seen parked in the BG; PH unidt is seen in left FG. F 3) CU VADM. MARTIN and RADM. GEIS chatting; Man standing in left FG with his back to the camera is belive to be one of the guest unidt, the Island is framed in the BG. G-F 4) CU RADM. GEIS chatting with VADM. MARTIN; Side-boys are standing in the BG at attention. F UX 5) CU Front view of ADM. MARTIN being interviewed on the flight deck, RADM. GEIS stand-off to the left. F UX 6) CU Side view of VADM. MARTIN and RADM. GEIS standing on the flight deck, looking out across the flight deck and swinging around to face the camera. F 7) MCU RADM. GEIS looking on as VADM. MARTIN is interviewed by a reporter and holding a mike up infront of VADM. MARTIN; Aircraft is framed in the BG. G 8) CU Reporter completing his interview and walking off, VADM. MARTIN and RADM. GEIS pass by to the left over the flight deck. F 9) MCU Front view of VADM. MARTIN, holding a mike in his right hand a Navy Enlisted Journalist standing off to the left; RADM. GEIS is standing in the mid BG; Part of the flight deck crane (utility crane) is seen overhead. F UX 10) CU Rear view of RADM. GEIS and VADM. MARTIN standing on the flight deck with the USS BARNEY (DDG-6) seen to the right, along side; PAN to the right away from the ADM'S, showing the port beam view of the BARNEY. F UX 11) HA CU Port beam view of the USS BARNEY along side the INDEPENDENCE, ASROC Launcher in the mid deck area, training around. (SV) UX 12) MCU Radar antenna in motion on the BARNEY. F 13) MS Port bow of the BARNEY; Tillie Crane hook hangs through the scene from the top, (framed in the scene); The BARNEY, begins to move out to the scene to the left departing from the side of the INDEPENDENCE; BARNEY leaves the scene to the left. F 14) MS Port quarter view of the BARNEY departing from the INDEPENDENCE; Tail of a KA-3B is seen in upper left corner of the scene. 15) CU The Ship's Band playing on the flight deck; Some men are seen standing about in the BG in white's and neckerchiefs. F 16) CU Front view of one of the musicians in the Band. F 17) CU Front view of the Band playing their instruments on the flight deck. (SV-DA) G-F 18) CU Side view of the Chief Band Master, directing the Band; Marine Honor Guards and sideboys is seen in the BG. G 19) MS Front view of the Band playing on the flight deck; Chief Band Master is in FG. G 20) LA MLS UH-2C Helicopter flying over the flight deck; Personnel is seen scattered through out the deck area in the FG. F 21) LA Front view of the Marine Honor Guard at parade rest on the flight deck; part of the island is seen in the BG. UX G-F 22) CU Marine in the Honor Guard. G 23) MLS Side view of a UH-46A Helicopter, coming in over the flight deck forward with VIPS aboard; Sideboys, Marine Honor Guards in position in the FG. F 24) CU Boatswain's Mate preparing to blow the Boatswain's pipe; Sideboys come to the salute; Naval Officer, (believe to be a French Naval Officer), comes through the ranks of Sideboys, is greeted in the right FG by VADM. MARTIN and RADM. GEIS. G 25) CU Sideboys at attention, coming to the salute, Boatswain's Mate in left FG; French Naval Officer is greeted by VADM. MARTIN and RADM. GEIS; Other Naval Officers unidentified are greeted by VADM. MARTIN on the flight deck. G-F UX 26) CU Capt. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR. CAPT. USNR., greeted by VADM. MARTIN and RADM. GEIS; Capt. FAIRBANKS JR. leaves the scene to the right as VADM. MARTIN greets a USA Officer, followed by more of the NATO Officers, coming in the scene to the left and leaving the scene to the right. F 27) LA LS Side view of a UH- 46A lifting off from the flight deck; Marines and Naval Personnel are lined up in the FG in two ranks facing each other. F-P 28) CU Front view of Capt. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR. USNR. and unidt. USA Officer on the flight deck watching some event. G 29) CU Front view of the USA Officer unidentified G 30) LA CU Capt. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR.; Capt. seen to his right is unidt, the ship's mast is framed in the BG. G 31) MS Front view of the Officer guest on the flight deck. G 32) CU Some of the Officers on the flight deck; Capt. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR. in the mid FG. G 33) CU VADM. MARTIN and RADM. GEIS coming to attention, preparations for honors. G 34) CU Sideboys at attention; More high ranking Officers enter the scene from the left and are greeted by ADMS. MARTIN and GEIS. G 35) CU Side view of VADM. MARTIN and RADM. GEIS, looking off to the left. 36) CU LT/GEN. L. LEMNITZER, entering the scene from the left, being greeted in the direct FG by VADM. MARTIN, COMSIXTHFLT. G 37) LA MS Front view of VADM. MARTIN, Lt/Gen. LEMNITZER and RADM. GEIS on the speaker's stand. G 38) LA CU Looking up pass a hat of a Foreign Naval Officer; Ship's mast framed in the BG with the Colors; PAN down to show part of the face of the Foreign Officer. F 39) MCU Newsmen on the flight deck with their cameras; Officers and guest are standing in the BG. G 40) LA MS VADM. MARTIN, Lt/Gen. LEMNITZER and RADM. GEIS at the salute on the rostrum; Civilians, News Photographer are in the FG taking movies of the event. G-F 41) CU Front view of a Marine Orderly at the salute. F 42) MLS DD class ship, some distant on the beam of the INDEPENDENCE, firing the salute; Men are seen in the catwalk at the salute, facing the flight deck area; Smoke envelopes the ship in the BG, during the firing of the salute. F 43) CU Front view of the Marine Honor Guard at Present Arms on the flight deck. F 44) LA CU Marine Guidon. F 45) LA CU Front view of the Marine Officer in charge of the Marine Honor Guards; Ship's mast is framed in the right BG. F UX 46) CU Marine Honor Guard at attention. F-P 47) MLS Framed view of Lt/Gen. LEMNITZER speaking from the rostrum, Officers are framed in the FG, with their backs to the camera. F- P Comments on this Item (0)

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SNAC Resource ID: 6512363

National Archives at College Park

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